Backyard Beautification
Backyard Beautification Project
As many of you are aware, a group of us started dreaming about what a new backyard could do for our community. Through the efforts of several of our members - Sela and Stu Nissenbaum, Carol Newman and Barry Sovel, Dru and Joe West, Gina Wilson-Seppa and Don Seppa, Jay Silverberg, Eileen and Larry Jonas, Anne Gilbert, Carolyn Kaufman, Jim Stern and Rabbi Ted Feldman - whose vision and generosity planted the seeds, we are almost there!
While tax deductible gifts in any amount are always welcome and appreciated, there is also an opportunity to honor or memorialize someone important to you through the following naming rights. A dedication plaque will be permanently placed on the structure of your choice.
- New Sukkah/Outdoor Classroom $6,000
- Tricycle Track surrounding a new lawn $6,000
- Music Pavilion/Wedding Chuppa $7,000
- Fire Pit with Bench Seating $5,000
- Iron Gated Entry with Tree of Life $6,000
- New Barbeque with Table Seating $6,000
GOAL: $65,000
Please join our team and help us bring this project to completion.
Contact Stuart Nissenbaum, BIJC Past President at (707) 321-8921
- Iron entry gate with original “tree of life” design
- Shaded seating areas
- Pavilion
- Outdoor heating and lights
- Updated sukkah
- Soft fall playground
- Sandbox with cover
- Tricycle track with infield lawn
- Flower and vegetable garden
- Sound system
- Outdoor kitchen
- Fire pit
- New fencing
Programs & Activities
- Weddings
- B’nai Mitzvah celebrations
- Movies, concerts and events
- Holiday gatherings and observances
- BBQ’s
- Food and drink pairings
- Friday night Shabbat happy hour
Thank you to all who came out and made our Fall Gathering a success!
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Shevat 5785